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In the fall of 2023 several brothers planned to get together in State College PA to spend the day praying together and talking about sexual purity. Loren Martin was planning to be in the area from Wisconsin and the meeting was to be a reunion of sorts for those that knew Loren. 


Through word of mouth, more and more men found out about the meeting and wanted to attend. Soon the original meeting place was too small for the amount of men that were coming and a bigger place was needed. Through a serious of events God allowed a local facility to be available and by the time November 24 2023 rolled around a total of 46 men attended the meeting. 


"We sang together, prayed together, cried together, & laughed together. Lives were touched and lives were changed."


Following the meeting there was an overwhelming encouragement to make this type of meeting happen more often. The Pursuit of Purity name had stuck, and we looked at the possibility of holding more meetings under this name. 


This is our story in a nutshell. We aren't anymore special than you are. We are simply men that used to be trapped in sexual sin. Today we walk in freedom by the grace of God and because of other men around us that took the time to listen, understand, and encourage us. Our only goal is to provide that same atmosphere to others so that YOU can experience the same freedom from sexual sin that we have. 


And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.

                                                                                                    1 Corinthians 6:11


Men's meeting 2023
Event Handout Folder Men's Meeting 2023
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